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5-gallon water cooler 5-stage filtration system


5-gallon water cooler 5-stage filtration system


The 5-gallon water cooler 5-stage filtration system is the perfect addition for any home or office, saving money, storage space and heavy lifting. Simply pour tap water into the filtration system and dispense the purest tasting water. The refillable bottle fits most top loading coolers to dispense hot or cold filtered water. The premium 5-stage water filtration removes 99.6% of all dissolved solids from your tap water – more than any other leading brand. It is the only pour through filter NSF certified to reduce lead, chromium & PFOA/PFOS. The product comes with a free TDS Meter to check the levels of dissolved solids before and after filtering your tap water - to show there is nothing left behind but the purest tasting water.

Water Cooler not included


  • No more storing and lifting heavy 5-gallon water bottles - Simply pour tap water into the filtration system and dispense the purest tasting water
  • Compatible with most top loading water dispensers
  • The Only Pour Through Filter NSF Certified to Reduce Lead, Chromium & PFOA/PFOS
  • Premium 5-stage filtration removes 99.6% of all dissolved solids
  • Estimated 20 gallon Filter Life per filter - comes with 2 filters per refillable 5-gallon bottle (filter life can vary depending on water quality)
  • Includes free TDS Meter to check the levels of dissolved solids before and after filtering your tap water
  • 5 Gallon Capacity
  • BPA Free

5-Stage Filtration:

Stage 1 - Removes suspended solids such as dust and rust that make your water appear cloudy Stage 2 - Removes additional suspended solids

Stage 3 - Removes organic contaminants; pesticides, herbicides, Mercury, Chlorine, Chloramine, and stops bacteria from growing

Stage 4 - Removes inorganic compounds i.e. metals, nonmetals and radiological contaminants Stage 5 - Removes remaining suspended solids, holds the resin in place

What is TDS:

Total Dissolved Solids (“TDS”) are organic and inorganic materials, such as metals, minerals, salts, and ions dissolved in water. TDS can affect the taste and appearance of water.